Tuesday, February 06, 2007

Lists II

More things I'm sick of:

once again, leading off, with a bullet, the f---in' super bowl
flavored beer
guys drinking beer
girls not drinking beer lol
instant messaging
bloggers (myself included)
holy sh--
(see the blanked out the --- from ---p?)
this stupid f---in' piece of ---t web-------
uh, you're face
lists ii
things to hate

Okay, things I'm not sick of:

uh, birds.
and um, thinktanks
really cool bands from britian
decent headphones
my car
her jeep
the bar
uh, food
and um, dessert

Okay, I ran out, now I'm sick of everything again

Everyone elses cars
everyone else primarily
stoplights that stop for no one
speed limits that change for no reason
smelly dirty pigs
with their stupid blue shirts
and bullshit give me free food i take the only seat in the restaurant you miserable f---ing c--t i hate you're a--ho-e faces, we we're there before you and you gethte best table and pizza first for f---ing free!!!!!!!!!! god im'm so pissed.

Okay, not good to rip on law enforcement dude. lets list something else:

Um, okay, its already february and I've worked on quite a gathering of 2007 release recordss!! easily the most senseiblye list on this site, continue henceforth:
  • Radio Moscow Radio Moscow - "Garage blues rockage of sockage!"
  • The Bees Octopus - "Almost everything but the kitchen sink, oh wait, I think that's the hidden track."
  • The Good, the Bad & the Queen s/t - "Good, bad and the beats, plus the best vocals in the world."
  • Bloc Party A Weekend in the City - "Where'd my band go? More to the point, the drummer?"
  • Air Pocket Symphony - "Ugh, the french, I thought I liked Air?"
  • Windmill Puddle City Racing Lights - "Yikes, what a voice, wonder if the band is any good.."
  • RJD2 The Third Hand - "Where'd my dj go? This is awful."
  • Menomena Friend and Foe - "This is such a tweener, some tracks tap my toe, some uh, don't."
  • Klaxons Myths of the Near Future - "Klax are mega, I want to roll with it."
  • Panda Bear Person Pitch - I don't understand Montreal, is this like animal collective shite?"
  • Andrew Bird Armchair Apocrypha - "I'm not sure I like this guy, I always confuse him and m. ward, both kinda suck, no?"
  • Deerhunter Cryptograms - "The songs are great, the ambient isn't, unless I'm going to bed."
  • Arcade Fire Neon Bible - "Decent, needs a power out though, much less springsteen with maybe more Regine."
  • Grinderman s/t - "I lol'ed when the vocals started, is it supposed to be comedy?"
  • Dalek Abandoned Language - "Rap, okay at work and rollin' with my homies smokin' some blunts, wat up smokescreen records?"
  • Ideal Free Distribution s/t - "Haven't listened enough but it sounds kinda old, like 60s style, uh, I guess."
  • The Rakes Ten New Messages - "Kinda mega, some really stellar tracks and the rest shall we say, decent?"
Okay, enough of that. Already that many records, be sure to check back at the end of the year for the classic top 25!!!@!@!@!)@$(@)#!(!)@!

Uh okay, more things I hate:

Broken cd players
broken electronics
uh, technology
computer software
caffiene (sp)
people who are anit-drug and drink 5+ cups of coffee a day
every other computer engineer in the world
every computer in the world
every world
uh, um, whats left?

ok now, things I'm not:

the woods
uh, huh huh, wood
log cabins
uh huh huh, logs
um tents
water pipes
white russians
uh huh huh, balls

okay eff it, later homies....


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